meet isabella

Isabella Zampetaki is a food & travel writer, storyteller and author based in Athens, Greece. She has two sons and 20 square meters of urban land she cultivates, planting on it twice a year in accordance with sustainable farming practices.
Her first book, “Handcrafted Crete”, is a bilingual travel volume exploring all things made by hand on the island and revealing the true essence of the Mediterranean lifestyle. In its pages, we discover a multifaceted variety of age-old crafts from across the plains and mountains of Crete: from textiles, ceramics and knife-making to cheesemaking and the production of olive oil and carob food items. We travel to wineries that produce wine in clay amphorae and to shepherds’ huts where they still make cheese as their grandparents did, in century-old copper cauldrons.
Isabella speaks at conferences and other events about food culture, the Mediterranean diet & lifestyle, travel, sustainability, and wellbeing in a digital world.
She is the creator of the Greek Tourism Awards and the Greek Hotel of the Year Awards.
Isabella was born in Thessaloniki, Greece and started writing about culture, food and travel in 2000. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Grinnell College, Iowa, in the USA and a Masters in Design of Information and Communication Technologies from Carlos III University in Spain.

The art of being human

As British painter John Craxton once said, Greece is a place where life is oftentimes bigger than art. You can sense that whenever you walk around an orchard, visit a workshop, taste an excellent olive oil, or prepare a blend of mountain herbs. In Greece, the extraordinary manages to find its way into the everyday and endows it with special meaning. Such is the case with the Swing Goddess, the figure that inspired my brand and logo. This clay statuette dating from 1500 BC was found on the island of Crete.  To some, it symbolizes a divinity that revealed herself to people through the wind. For others, it is a snapshot of an ordinary woman enjoying the moment.
The art of being human, either way you choose to see it.